The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) released in March 2019 NJ School Performance Reports. These are annual reports that the state developed to provide the public with various data including school-level demographics, state assessment scores, information about staff working in a school, and more for the 2017-2018 school year. The performance reports provide a brief overview of various areas such as: enrollment, participation & performance, student growth, attendance, student discipline, technology readiness, per-pupil expenditures, and school climate. The following four areas have state targets and are further defined below: Participation Rate, Academic Achievement, Academic Progress, and Chronic Absenteeism.
Participation Rate, Academic Achievement, and Academic Progress include measures based on the English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics (M) sections of the NJ PARCC, administered to students in grades three to eight, from the spring of 2018. In addition to PARCC data, this section of the school performance report also includes other state required assessments that are applicable to the school including DLM, ACCESS for ELLs, and NAEP. Use the tabs to the right of this section for elaborations on each measure and summary charts.
Click below to access either your child's School Summary Report or the School Performance Report for 2017-2018 school year:
Click here to view the State of the Schools presentation from 2018-2019, which was presented to the board and public on September 26, 2019.